"Dem Deutschen Volke"

"Dem Deutschen Volke"
Reichstag, Berlin July 2001. Courtsey of the Blogger

Sunday, August 17, 2008


How do I miss BLTs! This has to be my favorite sandwich! Soft white bread slathered with REAL mayonaise, big beefsteak tomato slices, cold broad lettuce leaves and crispy greasy bacon strips! So simple, so delicious!

This is the ONLY reason I started frequenting Tim's Deli in Berlin. Maybe not the only reason. It was NOT Cafe Berio, which I had long decided to boycott for poor bad service and the carrot cake was kinda lushous too! What go my attention really was the most reasonable facsimile of a good ole bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich for 6 time zones! But who ever thought to put RED ONIONS on a BLT? Even though Tim is supposedly a Canadian (can't say I know for sure), I cannot help but to blame that one on the Germans.

Anyway, I spent many a summer day lunching here, hoping not to forget to order my beloved BLT on toast "ohne Zwiebeln bitte!" That, with the potato wedges was happiness on a plate in the sunshine!

[image: "Winterfeldt" — Tim's Deli, Winterfeldtplatz, Berlin, February 2001
Courtesy of the blogger.]

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